Update 1/4/2020: Sometimes I find it cheaper elsewhere but I stick with it and it makes such a difference even in winter. At some point I might switch to an electronic device, but I'll stick with it for now. The smell is pleasant, even if it doesn't always last as long as we'd like. If you put it in front of a fan I've also noticed that it irritates my throat a bit, although it helps it work faster. Anyway, I've been using DampRid for a few months now and the house is definitely different. . When I moved in, there was a definite, uh. Let's just say I was less than happy with the freshness of the house. Too humid, I didn't like the smell of the house. It has helped a lot and now I have a container or two in almost every room. I live in a very humid area, so. I think I will buy this almost endlessly as long as I live here. When I had an apartment, that made sense too, but not as "necessarily” as in this house.