They could become my favorite pair of shoes, they are very comfortable to wear. The upper is mesh and quite stretchy, while I need an 8 in some shoes to get the width, a 7.5 fits like a glove in that area. The toe box is reinforced to protect your feet in everyday life. I might want something stiffer for sports that require kicking, but it would be fine, say at the beach for hitting a baby soft ball. The forefoot smells like suede, materials are not listed on the packaging but this makes the shoe unsuitable for vegetarians/vegans. The sole has a good thickness, the profile is relatively wide and flat compared to hiking shoes, but this can lead to less grip in some situations, making you less likely to get stuck in the profile. They feel good on rough surfaces and fine gravel, I'm not sure if they will do well on cobblestones but then I think you will need very hard soled shoes to make it comfortable. The heel is slightly reinforced but not as strong as a standard sneaker. It folds up so you can easily put these shoes on when you just want to go out and vice versa when you wear them normally you can just take them off with your toe to hold the back of the shoe and just take them off with yours Push legs, hands are not required. The shoes don't have a tongue, the upper stretches a bit, but if you have swollen feet or very high arches, this style may not work as you won't be able to release them easily. To put them on, there is a large enough loop on the back to slide your finger through to pull the heel out. The laces are elastic, with a plastic retainer to hold tension and a clip that fits over the elastic at the front of the shoe to keep it from dangling. Instructions. The only downside for me is that they don't do a good job of keeping your feet dry when it's raining or when you're walking in tall grass where the tips get wet. Summer shoes in my opinion.