Note: Photos taken with iPhone SE. green backlight, and the code information was a separate physical manual to leaf through. Immediately I will move on to the minuses: - The short cord; maybe a foot longer. -- The device comes without a case, you need to buy it separately. -- The firmware update tool is only available on Windows PC, no macOS support. Pros: - Easy menu navigation - Responsive and clicky buttons - Powers on very quickly - The LCD screen has a 320 x 240 resolution, allowing for a lot of accurate information to be displayed. Some features and functions only work on certain vehicles. For example, my 2012 Kia Soul does not support some of the advanced EVAP tests or O2 sensor tests. The unit was able to clear 2 CEL (Check Engine Light) codes that were bothering me, mostly due to EVAP issues related to fuel emissions. , which didn't affect performance or anything like that. Overall I'm happy with this purchase as it's not overly expensive and offers a lot of information that my old one didn't have.
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