Long overdue review: Bought these for our 8 year old son. I have to say... I was a little jealous. They looked really good...like I would wear them if they were my size. My son struggles with shoes but they lasted quite a while. The fit was just right. They are very easy to clean. My son loves her very much. I definitely recommend them. You are super cool.
Stylish and Comfortable pediped Flex Estella Mary Jane Shoes for Toddlers and Little Kids
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Slip-Resistant Crib Shoes for Babies: Robeez Soft Soles for Girls and Unisex Toddlers, Ages 0-24 Months
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Felix Flora Toddler Flower Dress Shoes - Adorable and Comfy Flats
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Adorable Blowfish Malibu Play-t for Toddler and Little Girls
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