Media could not be loaded. I had to dismantle and install an old, rotten, rusty swing; and wanted to get an impact wrench to remove all the rusty bolts and screws. There are literally hundreds of impact wrenches and screwdrivers to choose from; it's crazy. Prices range from $40 to hundreds of dollars. I also wanted a versatile tool that could be used around the house for everything from small drilling and fastening jobs to large bolts and more. impact wrench. It's a great tool and so far has handled everything I've thrown at it with low to medium power, but so far it hasn't needed full power. As you can see from the video, the 14 years of rusted screws were not good for Bosch. I struggled to get a big Dewalt or Malika which are great tools. but after research; In my opinion, it's just too much of a good thing for home use. I don't own a car shop :) I was worried that Β£150 wouldn't lower it if I decided to change tires or work on the car so I went through all the torque settings for my 4 cars and the worst case was 128 ft lbs . and i was watching youtube videos of this bosch unwinding bolts hand tightened to 190. So the conclusion is: the versatility of this screwdriver/wrench, which clearly has all the power I need for DIY jobs at home, all tested the boxes for me. After use you also notice that they are very well put together, very strong yet light. It took half a set of swings and the battery (4Ah) still shows a full charge. Great little tool.