Half the price of the same bag from another seller. I think it's great that you can get bags in two different colors. I use a different color to separate straight from curly hair to minimize heat damage and not change my style as often. With colorful bags, I don't worry about mixing them up.
Stylish And Functional Leather Man Purse Shoulder Bag For Work - Jack&Chris Men'S Crossbody Messenger Bags
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Plambag Canvas Messenger Bag For Men - Small Shoulder Crossbody Purse For Travel And School With Tablet Compartment, Fits 10" IPad
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GoodtoU Drawstring Bags 24 Pcs Draw String Sport Bag Cinch Bag Drawstring Backpack Kids(Red Black)
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Sechunk Canvas Backpack: Versatile Crossbody Shoulder Bag For Men And Women
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𧳠Vera Bradley Signature Anti-Curl Travel Accessories
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π Waterproof Transparent Crossbody Bag with Adjustable Strap - Essential Travel Accessories
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πΌ Expandable Organizer with Cosmetic Print Pockets
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Loungefly Forest Print Cosmetic Case: STCB0101 - Perfect for Organizing Beauty Essentials!
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