I went to this glass for a long time and have been using it for a long time . There were sigmas, etc. . I regret that I didn’t buy it with the first glass when I chose it for 20D back in the old days . As the first glass (and for most fans the last) I definitely recommend. Experience quality at an affordable price. With its pros. Versatile on crop. Like a staffer. There are no problems with flash with aperture ratio . Reporting with a bang . Draws interestingly . The quality is at the level . As a staff member, I advise you to crop. But you need a flash. 430 will be over the roof for most. Convenient hood and case included. Got cons: It makes no sense to write about stetopower . Otherwise, everything suits . For this money, everything is worthy, and super top flight . so the prices are many times higher, but the difference is not much .