This is the second set I've bought. The first set ended with an uncontrolled toner leak from the cyan cartridge after about six months of printing in light mode. I did the math and concluded that buying another set of four cartridges for $45 is better than spending over $110 on an HP blue cartridge. You get what you pay for. The print quality is nowhere near as good as with original HP cartridges. It's hard to rate, but I daresay the quality is about 65-75% better. If you find that you're mostly printing black and white text, or that color quality/balance isn't that important to you, then despite the occasional hiccups that can crop up after a while, it's excellent value for money. Sometimes I regret the decision to keep buying them until I remember that a set of all four of these toner cartridges is less than half the price of an original HP cartridge and I can buy 8 full sets of these before I reach the cost of a complete set from HP. I can deal with odd colorless prints, some random streaks, and toner colors that just break or finish printing earlier than they should. They're cheap enough to have another spare cartridge on hand in all four colors if the current team isn't playing well anymore. correct color balance. Like having a nice china that only goes outside a couple of times a year. Everything else is printed with this cheap material. yes i think it would be ok
Inkjet MFP HP Ink Tank Wireless 419, color, A4, black
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Cartridge NV Print CE285A for HP LaserJet Pro P1102/P1102w/M1132/M1212nf/M1217, black
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Get Quality Prints with HP 78A/CE278D Toner-Cartridges for LaserJet Pro M1536 and MFP P1606
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Brother TN436BK Super High Yield Toner, Black - Retail Packaging
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