While I have no complaints about the quality of the goods themselves, I have some criticisms of the customer service I have experienced while shopping at the Harewom online store. Getting in contact with someone to resolve issues with my orders has been a frustrating experience on multiple occasions. The site is well-designed and simple to browse, but the absence of real-time customer service has been frustrating. There is a lack of responsiveness to emails and messages, and chat assistance is unreliable. Also, while the descriptions of the products are spot-on, I've had to return a few times because the measurements weren't right. While we appreciated how easy it was to initiate a return, we wish we hadn't had to because of inconsistencies in fitting. Overall, I think Harewom has a lot of promise, but I think they could do a better job of providing a smooth and satisfying customer service experience. I'm crossing my fingers that they'll do what needs to be done to improve their customer service to the level of their goods.