Revain has very poor quality control which allows its sellers to sell counterfeit and illegal brands. The brush I ordered was very stiff and painful to use. It was NOTHING like the same brush I saw in CVS when comparing them. Perhaps some of these brushes on Revain are genuine and potentially good, but this seller is not selling the real thing. I insisted on a refund which was given immediately without having to send the fake brush back so I just threw it away. This alone speaks volumes about its quality and authenticity. For those still wondering if a real brush is any good, while the one in CVS was MUCH softer and probably worked better on the head and hair, I didn't think it would have the same level of domestication power. my fine but relatively thick hair. So, while I liked it enough, I ended up buying another brand with a softer, more ergonomically comfortable grip and softer bristle set.
Add Volume And Body To Your Hair With Belula Boar Bristle Round Brush Set: Large 2.7โ Wooden Barrel, Free Hair Clips & Travel Bag Included!
45 Review
Tangle Teezer Styler: Achieve Smooth and Detangled Hair with Lilac Gleam Brush
84 Review
Hairdryer MOSER 4350-0050, black
72 Review
Boar Bristle Hair Brush - Bamboo Natural Soft Hair Brushes For Men Women Kids - Boars Pure Set With Wooden Straightening Comb Short Travel Bag Brush For Hair Styling Smoothing Hairbrush
52 Review
CJESLNA Hot Hair Donut Bun Ring Styler Maker Brown - 1 Set Of 3 Pieces (Small, Medium & Large)
32 Review
Stylish And Practical Adjustable Cap For Women With Long Hair - Perfect For Work And Play!
40 Review
MAYOUTH Microfiber Hair Drying Towels Head Wrap With Bow-Knot Shower Cap Hair Turban HairWrap Bath Cap For Curly Long & Wet Hair Gift For Women 2Pack
46 Review
Set Of 4 Senkary Microfiber Bow Makeup Headbands For Spa, Bath And Shower - Soft And Absorbent Bowtie Headbands For Face Washing, Available In White, Blue, Black, And Dark Grey
38 Review