Works well but clamps don't adjust well. Screw terminals do not hold well and are off-center. If the clamps are off-center, the bolt will bind when you tighten it and you must be careful not to damage the threads. You have to hammer it in somehow by holding the screwdriver flat with one thumb while holding the board and tightening it with the other hand. Oh yeah, you might need 3 hands. Also, for some reason, there is a 1/8" groove on the inside edge of the flat-bottomed clamp bar. The problem is that if you have 1/8 inch thick plywood, depending on the exact thickness, the wood can get stuck at some angle halfway in the groove and the stuck edge will not line up correctly parallel to the guide. Thinner than 1/8 inch and the board can slide flush into the groove. Thicker than 1/8 inch and the board won't fit in the groove. I happened to be working on a project with 1/8" plywood, the perfect sub-optimal point. On the plus side, once you get your wood pieces to slide right in, you can get a decent 90 degree joint.