The performance of serf across all our clusters has improved greatly since we started using it in 2016. It takes us about 1/2 to have serf setup on one host.Serf provides all the functionality that you need without having some other service or container orchestrator like mesos running. There are no cons as such. However there could be more configuration options if they wanted it to become even better in their release version after time which would surely help many new people find them easier than going through the docs alone. We use serf with kubernetes where ever possible but also do single server deployments when needed to reduce complexity. This helps scale out fast and easy once required traffic increases enough.Deploying large websites by simply deploying containers (deployment). The features we use most include load balancing, failover, and high availability. It's very easy to set up and configure. We've had great success with it. There are some configuration options that can be tricky to understand at first, but they're well documented. I would highly recommend Serf. It has made our infrastructure much more reliable. We have been able to eliminate downtime and data loss due to outages.