They arrived quickly and exactly as pictured. They are paper based so don't think it's a plastic mask but it's durable and perfect for what I wanted. I used them to create a replica of Billy Russo's mask from the Netflix series Punisher. It's nice to have two extra sizes in the box so I could use the one that best fits my husband's face. My son used additional materials to make his own unique mask - since it was paper based (similar to paper mache) he was able to use a candle to add smoke trails to make it look more spooky and a little burnt. It came out very cool. Tip: If you have a large head it is best to have an extra band on hand as the bands MAY NOT be large enough. It seemed better to me to sew the elastic to the mask with a few stitches with a needle/thread. They come separately, so at first we just tied them to the side holes in the mask. It looks better flashed. Also, you need to cut out small nostrils if you need them. Using a high-speed drill to drill holes works well, but a planer blade will suffice for cutting. However, to go all the way, you need to make several cuts.