We are using the tool to monitor all of our key performance indicators (KPIs) in one place, and the ability to view historical data and trend over the year is very useful.The reporting structure can seem complicated at first, but once you get used to it, it makes sense. We have found that the customer service has been excellent and they have supported us on all aspects of the product. There have been times where the tool needed a bit of TLC. We needed to be able to view historical data in different levels of detail so that managers could see what was causing KPIs to drop. We also needed the ability to see historical data in different timeframes. This has been very helpful in that we can now identify issues much earlier on. The ability to monitor KPIs for our business. It has allowed us to see key areas that need attention and to set targets for improvement. I would like to see more features added to the software. This would allow me to create more custom reports to monitor trends. Also, it is not possible to have different views for different users. I'm able to use this software at all times during my day as it is easily accessible from any device. I can access it via my phone or tablet and keep track of my KPIs.