I owned this lens for 3 years, when buying I had a lot of hopes for it, but in the end it just "didn't go in" and lay idle in the bedside table, I used it infrequently. I recently traded it for a 56/1.2 portrait lens. In addition to this lens, I have a regular zoom 18-55 and a fixed 35 / 1.4, both were bought together with the camera in a company store. I have 2 basic shooting scenarios: a family photo indoors and a family photo outdoors. In the first scenario, the standard zoom together with the flash turned out to be more convenient and versatile, in the second scenario, the fixed 35 / 1.4 is lighter, more compact and more beautiful picture. As for bokeh at an open aperture, it is there, beautiful, but the difference with the standard zoom 18-55, according to my feelings, is not worth not only the cosmic difference in price between these two lenses, but for the sake of this difference I was even too lazy to get 23 / 1.4 from the nightstand! Further, about the regular zoom 18-55 I read somewhere such an anecdote. Like, you shoot them alternately with a 23 mm fix, then, after months or even years, you review your old photos, when you already forgot where you shot what, and . and . you donβt always guess where the regular zoom was, and where fix 23 mm. I can confirm this has happened to me too. The standard zoom 18-55 is very good! I summarize. I did not find any special "Fujifilm magic" in this lens. Although I am extremely pleased with all my other Fujifilm lenses! 23 / 1.4 - an ordinary lens for its tasks, a kind of strong average lens. Apparently I didn't find any specific tasks for him.