Do not buy! The antenna fell apart immediately after delivery. The base felt wobbly when I attached the antenna to the washing machine to test the magnet. I looked under the scratch resistant sticker on the bottom and the nut was tight. Hm? Then what's shaking? When I tried to peel off the sticker (with my fingers. I mean how little force?!) the whole magnet fell out of the base. The problem was obvious. There is a large magnet on the bottom which is nice to the touch and a large nut holds it in place but keeps it screwed to the plastic ring! This plastic ring is in turn glued to the two plastic tabs in the plastic base of the antenna. The glue didn't match. I think it's super glue. The center pin of the coaxial cable came loose from the load coil, breaking the antenna not only mechanically but also electrically. I can't fix it. The load coil is too deep inside to reach with a soldering iron. The glue sticks (oh yes, more plastic and more glue!). Bad design. Bad quality control. (I bet they recently switched to a different adhesive.) It could have happened on a 60 mph freeway! Yes, the magnet stays on the bumper, but the rest of the antenna doesn't. Ridiculous.
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