I've bought USB hubs in the past that said they were powerful enough to connect multiple external hard drives. really does. I've plugged in all 6 drives I have and charged batteries and phones from other ports and it just works! No signs of power overload. Some of those drives weren't USB 3.0 and this didn't phase the hub at all, nor did it affect the speed of drives that were USB 3.0. Unfortunately, I don't have enough USB3.0 drives to test the hub's overall throughput, but all drives were just as fast as if they were plugged directly into the laptop's USB3.0 port, so I'm happy with the overall throughput. In addition, Windows itself is not very happy with such a number of drives (2 internal + 6 external). External drives go to sleep when not in use, and when you click the recycle bin, Windows wakes them ALL up to check all items in their recycle bin, so it may take a while for the recycle bin to show up. Obviously this is NOT a hub malfunction. In fact, the fact that the hub has separate power switches makes it very easy to keep all my drives physically plugged in but powered off so Windows doesn't have to take care of them. If I want to use one of the drives, I just press a button and that drive gets connected. I just wish I had more drives or a different computer or a reason to buy another.
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