I’ve used ImageTranslate in the past to test if my creative comps would look good in another language. In this case, I want to use the service to get back to my old client who was trying to buy advertising space on Instagram, he has his own budget so I think he will pay. However, I need to show him the final result so that he doesn’t miss anything and make sure that the content looks good in another language. What I liked most about ImageTranslate is that they give you multiple examples of how the text should look like. They even include font styles that fit the brand. It saves you tons of time because you don’t have to find every possible combination of words and combinations of numbers to figure out what will look right. It’s easy to use. You simply upload your original image and select the target language, then pick your target audience and click "Create Translations”. Then, you get a PDF with the translated version of the image and you can download it. You can export them as PNG or JPG format, or save them directly into Photoshop or Illustrator. The cost per translation is $2.