If you buy a circuit breaker, make sure it's turned off. used circuit breaker. The circuit breaker I received was in the off position, which could be suspicious. A very thorough inspection convinced me that my circuit breaker was indeed new. A red flag is shown in the image accompanying this product, this is what the switch looks like when it is off. This is what it should look like when you buy a circuit breaker. I can only assume that somewhere in the process the switch I received was disabled. In my experience, QO circuit breakers are the best you can buy. They are strong and work when they should and don't work when they shouldn't. If you're installing a new charging center, I recommend the Square D QO version. Don't try to save a few bucks on a cheaper "home" version of load centers. QO circuit breakers are common in commercial buildings. Remember that the load center and the circuit breakers it contains are NOT designed to protect equipment and devices in your home. Their ONLY job is to protect the wiring in the wall. The product was made in Mexico.
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