This was my first project with a designer and after receiving feedback and going over documentation provided by the vendor I think this will be a great addition to my current reporting tools. It has a nice feature of displaying a grid and navigating between cells easily. Some people may find it frustrating to use due to lack of UI consistency. However, if you look closely, the functionality is quite similar to Excel (and probably LibreOffice). A really good example would be the way how to navigate through rows/columns using arrows. In most spreadsheet programs there’s only one option – clicking right arrow or left arrow depending on which direction you want to move in the row/column. With treegrid you have two options - either pressing shift + left/right key at once or just double click on an empty cell inside the table. Both ways work fine and allow you to quickly navigate your data. Also, some other minor things like auto-complete text box when typing into input fields could be improved as they often fail to fill in the value correctly. Overall though I am very pleased with results so far.