Have this to digitize the books I still have in paper form and am very happy so far. Setup is very easy and intuitive, and I only consulted a small guide once to make sure I didn't miss anything. Comes with a software CD, but you can also download it directly from their website (viisan(dot)com, then go to Support > "Download Drivers & Manuals" > Download Book Scanner and VIISAN OfficeCam Utility) - 332MB zip file. After installing the software, it automatically recognizes the camera when it starts and is ready for use. You can choose to scan as an image, document, book, barcode, OCR or "renderer" (not sure and I haven't tested). A few notes. This is quite a heavy machine and you'll need a place to mount it, but you do NOT have to use the included stand, although I recommend if you're taking photos or pictures as the auto-detect feature will severely crop your images. better. You can only connect one finger switch or one pedal at a time, but not both at the same time. I recommend the pedal. The camera has a crosshair to help you to align the book, and that's great. In book mode, scanning takes about 2 seconds. When you scan a book, you need to hold the pages in your hands and hold them tight throughout the scanning process. Not too tight to break your spine, but firm. I've attached a few samples. The text-heavy book has 300 pages in paperback and the other almost 200 pages in hardcover. I showed a photo of each book as it looked when scanned and the anti-curved scan, which I saved as a searchable PDF. The scanner was amazing at recognizing every word and even highlighting it in bold and italics. This is the third document scanner I have used and by far the best. If you need to digitize documents, it's worth it! The scanner was amazing at to recognize every word and even highlight it in bold and italics. This is the third document scanner I have used and by far the best. If you need to digitize documents, it's worth it! The scanner was amazing at recognizing every word and even highlighting it in bold and italics. This is the third document scanner I have used and by far the best. If you need to digitize documents, it's worth it!
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