They are great. They work just as well as the more expensive bags you can buy at hardware stores. I had no problems installing it, just like I installed the bags I had previously purchased. I had no problems with them at all. I will buy them again. I have 3 gallons, vacuum everywhere. HOW TO IDENTIFY FAKE OR PAID REVIEWS: Lately I've noticed that there are people who need to be paid to leave reviews. This is how I can tell a fake review from an honest one. All you have to do is click on their screen name and all of their testimonials will appear. They leave reviews in piles. Not only do they leave one review per day, they leave anywhere from 5 to 40+ reviews. As a rule, these are new reviewers who are not older than one year. Sometimes there are people who have reviews that are more than two years old, but here and there it was only one a day. Then, in the final year, they start doing 10-15 reviews a day. That's a big red flag. This differs from Vine reviews. I'm a Vine reviewer and I don't get anything for free even though it says it's free. Products count as part of my tax income at the end of the year, so I won't rate something well if it doesn't deserve it.
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