I stumbled across them while looking for a solution for various locations in my house that would offer surge protection, be thin and allow USB charging, preferably with a USB port C. Voila! - These seemed to tick all the boxes. All boxes appear brand new, sealed with factory tape, but all bushings are badly worn/scratched as shown. For this reason I am sending them back. The real question is, do I roll and reorder the same thing and hope for different results? The biggest doubt I have is that while I have found this model sold here at Revain and it appears there is a very similar variant (same model number) sold through Lowes, it doesn't come up Monster's own website pops up. To be honest, it looks like a lot of their surge protector models aren't listed on their website and I'm curious as to why. The pictures on the Lowe website show some have a USB 3.1A prop screw but have an identical overall picture, but there are a few under the same product link that match the pictures here on Revain (no prop screw and charging 4.0A).
Black 6 Outlet Surge Protector Power Strip with Rotating Flat Plug, 15A 120V, 4ft Cord
12 Review
Power Strip Tower with 14 Outlets, 4 USB Slots, and 6ft Cord - Universal Charging Station by Lovin Product (1-Pack)
11 Review
Allocacoc PowerCube ExtendedUSB, 4 Outlets, 2 USB Ports, 5 ft Cable, Mounting Dock, Surge Protection, Childproof Sockets, ETL Certified - Blue
12 Review
Southwire 34930 Surge Guard 30A: Full Protection Portable with LCD Display - Superior Safety in Sleek Black Design
12 Review
4 Outlet Power Strip with 3 USB Charger Ports and 5ft Braided Cord π‘ - Flat Plug, Wall Mountable Desktop Charging Station for Home, Office, and Cruise Ship use.
12 Review
Extender Xiaomi Mi Power Strip 3, XMCXB01QM, 3 sockets, C/C, 10A / 2500 W white 1.8 m
30 Review
Extender Xiaomi Mi Power Strip 3, XMCXB01QM, 3 sockets, 10A / 2500 W black 1.8 m
20 Review
Xiaomi Power Strip Surge Protector 3 Sockets 3 USB Black
26 Review