Caps work great but there is a BIG problem. If you take it off to inflate a tire, you have to be very careful that the small black o-ring stays in the cap and doesn't stick to the valve stem. If it sticks to the valve stem, you will need to remove it from the valve stem and put it back into the cap. Because if you lose that tiny o-ring, the valve cap becomes useless and you can't buy new small o-rings, you have to buy a whole pack of 4 caps! This has happened to me several times. Last time at a tire shop that had me deflate 2 tires in an hour because they didn't know about the little o-rings that stick to the valve stems. So now I'm buying my third set of 4 caps, but luckily the tire dealer is paying for them this time. I've emailed the company 3 times in a few months asking how I can buy o-rings or just tell me what size they are and I'll buy them elsewhere. I wouldn't say the customer support is terrible, I would say it doesn't exist! Not once did they reply to my emails. So the caps are good but the o-ring and strength is poor.