Great first skates. At first I went with one of those standard Amazon/China models (there are about 8 different brands but the skate is exactly the same) but the wheels were terrible. I ended up buying them for my daughter to skate with. The difference between day and night. The bearings and bolts are very good. The frame is plastic but seems sturdy enough for kids. The buckle and cuff support are very good. I used to be able to get it as tight as possible with a cheaper model, with these I really had to readjust as they have a wider range of tightness. I'm not sure why the skates made them at the same MSRP as the Microblade, but they sell for 25% less than the Microblade on Amazon, so it was a no-brainer for me. I would have bought them first instead of the cheaper ones but my kid just needed light up wheels. I'm very happy to see inline skates doing just as well in their line of blade runners. Previously, the blade runner was significantly inferior when it came to skating and lacked many of the features that roller skate models had.
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