These are counterfeit Honda parts, these are low quality OEM replicas which can break. DO NOT BUY! Stop selling fake junk to customers. Parts will fail, resulting in serious engine damage. The parts look like new, genuine Honda parts are stamped on the bags and boxes along with the packaging. They looked good, even the water pump was embossed with the Honda logo. Then I turned the box over and it came in and it was clearly marked as Made in China. I think it's just a very well made copy. These are FAKE HONDA PARTS! DO NOT BUY!
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1.5 Inch Leveling Lift Kit Compatible With 2004-2022 F150๏ผLeveling Lift Kit Fit For 2004-2022 F150 2WD 4WD Forged Front Strut Spacers Raise The Front Of Your F150 By 1.5
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