After placing the order, the seller wrote in the chat about the early delivery of the goods, which was very pleasing. The phone came whole, sealed, new, without a single scratch, there was a film on the display, immediately transferred data from the previous iPhone, immediately pasted the protective glass of the display, rear cameras and put on a silicone case that were purchased in advance, the ate was successful until IOS 16.2, but after the phone was discharged, I wanted to use the cord that came with the kit, where it is indicated in the USB / Lighting bundle, in fact there is a Tap-C / Lighting cord, but these are all trifles, I took charge from the previous iPhone and connected it. In general, I liked everything very much, many thanks to the store, seller and courier. A little later I will order another phone also from this seller. I definitely recommend the store and goods!👌