I ordered this as it has a 20kg load capacity and looks a little compact and sturdy. However, when I received it, I was a little disappointed. The adjustable cam lever that locks the ball down cannot be adjusted to both loosen and tighten without re-adjusting the cam lever each time. The arm either falls down and hits the ball or baseplate, causing insufficient tension to fully fix it, or loosening it to allow it to move freely. In no case does this ball head reliably carry 20 kg. No way! The tighter I set the lever, the more I can move the ball with significant pressure. I am immediately inclined to return it. As a desktop ball head on a small dedicated pod, however, I'll be using it for a few days, and while I'll give it a mediocre rating, I'll probably abandon it. I could have a similar head for half the price. This. It's fine for a camera body up to 3-4 pounds or so, but I wouldn't even give it a 6kg rating at 50% load. I wouldn't rely on it to mount my Pentax K-1, but I will be using it for my desktop Pentax Kr with a lightweight lens. Look elsewhere for a ball head with an honest review. It's not like this!