Like any new toy I get, I want to use it ALL THE TIME. I love the lens. I find that this isn't the ticket for most of my needs BUT when I need it nothing else will do. Particular strengths are interior shots where you want to capture the whole crowd, especially small spaces (like you were about to remodel a SMALL back room and take photos) and of course landscapes. I've found my whale lens to be about as good for the finished shot when the scenery isn't on a large scale - i.e. the size of a national park. Where you simply can't go wrong is in tight spaces when you need to capture group shots and wide open landscapes. In other applications you will notice some distortion as this lens is not suitable for this purpose. For example I tried to photograph flowers on a path leading to a landscape and they were sharp but distorted - just not a lens for the application. So - keep it in your bag if you don't have any special shots - don't bother changing another lens - this is a special guy and he's VERY good at what he does.