The best deal of the century has just been made! Wonderfully, this appears to be a miracle. They brought it, proceeded to unpack it, install the application, read the instructions, and then began cleaning it. And that wraps things up! The program is so straightforward that even a young child could figure it out (everything is set in the year 2022, and the robot also communicates in that year). Maintenance and operation are not stressful at all; simply start the robot, pour in clean water, and when it's through cleaning, pour out the dirty water and shake the garbage can. Because we go around barefoot or in extremely thin socks, the floor in our house is spotless on a daily basis. There is no need to be concerned about something left on the floor as obstacles, small objects, and wires can all be navigated around. The floor space of 100 meters is cleaned in one and a half hours, which uses up sixty-five percent of the charge. The one thing that I am unable to appreciate is having clean carpets because I do not own any.