I was very cautious at first because I thought there was contact between the rear lens and the shutter on my M9. Actually no, it wasn't. When I took some test photos and looked at them on the LCD screen, I thought they were too dark. What I saw were raw (dng) files. After processing raw images in DXO, it was like magic. This lens is incredible. This opens up a whole new way of seeing. If you decide not to buy a 10mm viewfinder that attaches to your camera's hot shoe, don't be discouraged. Just use another wide-angle viewfinder, e.g. A 28mm or 18mm viewfinder, for example, and you'll begin to mentally approach the full "experience" of a 10mm field of view. You will not be disappointed. I can focus to within 1.5 feet (maybe closer) of the subject which gives very interesting perspectives. Note, however, that your rangefinder focus field (on the M9) will not work. The reason seems to me to be that the depth of field is very extensive. Just use the distance scale and estimate the distance to your subject. You won't be disappointed with the depth of field you get from an ultra wide angle lens like this. This lens is also available for Sony E-mount cameras. I chose the Leica M mount to use on my M9 and Sony cameras with the Leica M adapter. Either way, you can't go wrong. This is a lens you will be happy with, especially for travel and landscapes.