Design rating of this stocking is 4.5. It's cute and full of details that really come to life as you sew the stocking, but I was surprised at how small the toe is compared to other stockings I've made. This was my 4th stocking I've made and the 6th stocking in my family, but the toe is barely three inches deep compared to the 5 inch toes in the old stockings. Looking at the picture, I first thought that the chimney was sewn to part of the sock and the wheels were also attached to the body of the sock, but the 'motor' of the sock is all that's inside the sock. for a small child hopefully using it for the rest of its life, the stocking doesn't fill up very well. I rate it so low because part of the felt was thin and of relatively poor quality and the design color wore off very quickly. I found that with careful handling I could mostly retain the pattern, but it wasn't as easy as with previous stockings. Also, there are places that should have been stitched last, where by the time I got to this point, the paint was almost completely gone. Thank goodness the picture keeps me posted. I also noticed that the candy strip has sequins on the top half of the red stripes, but no sequins are needed closer to the holly. Luckily I had enough thread and sequins, to add my own to make the stripe look even. So as much as I like the look of the stockings I would say the design and quality cannot be compared to the Bucilla stockings of yesteryear. It's not this stocking
MICHELIN X-Ice Snow 215/55 R17 98H зимняя
4 Review
Bucilla 86931E Носок Дед Мороз Многокрасочный
3 Review
Набор для рождественской новогодней чулочной аппликации из фетра Bucilla 18 дюймов - 86663
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Набор для аппликации из фетра "Снеговик и друзья Буцилла" для праздничного украшения
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🌈 Набор для вышивки крестиком "Joy Sunday": Раскрашенный радужный единорог - Простые схемы для девочек - Материалы для вышивки DMC - Серия с животными
9 Review
Нить для вышивки Similane: 50 мотков радужных цветов для крестиком дружбы браслетов и ремесел - включает 12 катушек и инструмент для навертывания иглы.
8 Review
240 мотков ниток для вышивки крестиком - 100% египетский хлопок с длинными стеблями - мерсеризованная вышивальная нить для браслетов дружбы - общая длина 1920 м - 8 метров на мотке - 24 мотка в пакете - 10 пакетов.
8 Review
🧵 Набор вышивальных мулине DMC - Популярные цвета, набор вышивальных ниток, 36 разноцветных пучков, включая DMC Mouline Cotton - Белый/Черный, и иглы для крестика DMC Hand.
8 Review