Sometimes I need to make cabinet doors for renovations. Since I don't do much, I simply measured and marked the loops individually by hand. I got a job with a fairly demanding client and thought I'd look into some kind of jig. I first looked at a Rockler setup, but the cost outweighed the value for me - I just don't need it that much. Like all those Rockler things, it also smacks of a weekend enthusiast in love with a tool, jig, or jig for every possible aspect of woodworking. The co-workers get along pretty well without all the slackers invented by the product developers. So this little inexpensive light was perfect for my business - not too much money and not too difficult to set up. I especially like the smart depth gauge - the most costly mistake is drilling through the front of the door (never made it, but it's a problem). It's just a serrated ring on the Forstner shank that aligns with the top of the yellow stabilizer that gives the correct depth for the swivel bowl. It's easy to see because it's at the top when you drill. Also, the stops for attaching the hinges to the doors are easy to set up and use. It won't stand up to the abuse of a furniture store, but for everyone else it should have everything but the vanity of an expensive and over-engineered craft store display piece.