Pros: Cheap Cons: You still get what you pay for or there was too much vibration (eccentricity). The bits are very difficult to center with 4 set screws and the wrong centering makes it almost impossible to cut the ring without chipping it. Using 3/4" thick poplar, clamped and using a drill press, I was able to make a fairly "good" ring that worked very slowly out of five tries. It still needed a bit of grinding and round filing work to finish the inside of the ring smooth. Using a copy saw, file, and sandpaper I was able to achieve a similar end result in the same amount of time. The idea behind this kit is to quickly create a ring shape that I was unable to achieve. A much better solution would be a sharp forstner bit. You can spend 50% more but it will actually work I should probably only give it 1 star but I managed to get this almost working once so 2 stars is generous.