I have two of these drill bits, one is also a hammer drill. the older of the two is about 2 1/2 years old (not the GTF model) and is used every day. I still drive with the original batteries. Just the other day the chuck assembly fell out of the drill when attempting to drill a 1/2" hole with a long drill and threw out 2 6x6 drill bits. When I picked up the drill, the chuck and drill remained in 6x6. this is the first time in 2 1/2 years. I took the drill apart and repaired it. It seems that the clamp C that holds the cartridge in the drill has come loose on the inside. I would not recommend taking these drills apart as it took about 3 hours to put together. and now the drill has only low speed. but still works fine. I'll buy a new drill in case it breaks again. The PC hammer/drill is about a year old and still works great. The batteries last a while and have been charged many, many times. Not a day goes by in my job that these two exercises don't work. Two batteries are always charged. I'm a builder in New Jersey, not a DIYer, so these drill bits will definitely have many uses. willing to try another exercise to see if they are better. 2 1/2 years for a drill that is used every day is not bad. And I never had to change batteries! As I said, it still works, just not in high gear (that was because I didn't assemble the tool correctly), repairing it yourself was still better than buying a new drill right away.