Actually, the adapter was taken mainly to work as a software access point . Looking ahead, I coped with this task 100% I was unpleasantly surprised by the native proprietary utility at the level of the course work of a 2nd year student-programmer. In SoftAP mode, I did not find where to look at MAC's of connected clients. With the help of the command line, everything started, it works armor-piercingly stable, the speed within the room shows 270 Mbps (the actual file transfer speed is 8.5-9 Mbps). To start, we create the simplest bat file (a text file with the extension changed from txt to bat) and put it in the scheduler for execution with administrative rights every time Windows boots. There are only three lines in the file: 1) netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow 2) netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="MS Virtual WiFi" key="Pass for virtual wifi" keyUsage=persistent (set your own network name and password) 3) netsh wlan start hostednetwork. Do not forget in the properties of the Internet connection to give access to it through the connection of the Virtual WiFi adapter. In this case, the address of the virtual point adapter will change to 1922022820227.1 and the built-in DHCP server of Windows will turn on (well, more precisely, its miserable likeness), which will automatically issue IP to connecting clients. For convenience, you can create a bat with the lines "netsh wlan stop hostednetwork" (stopping WiFi distribution) and "netsh wlan show hostednetwork" (shows the network status, channel, MAC of connected clients. )
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