Keeps my gear neat and dry with minimal weight loss. Now I have four of these devices, and despite their high price, they have fully proven themselves for my travels. Every time I go camping I have absolute confidence that these dry bags will keep dust and water out of my personal gear. It's hard to rate comfort and convenience, and since these packsacks offer both, I have yet to resist the price tag. They're also surprisingly durable considering how thin and light they are.
Maddogยฎ Sports Padded Chest Protector, Tactical Half Glove, & Neck Protector Combo Package
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ALONEFIRE Offset Flashlight Mount For Picatinny Gun Tactical LED Torch - Sports Outdoors Hunting Fishing Shooting Airsoft Guns Accessories Sights Optics Scope
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TAC9ER Kevlar Lined Tactical Gloves: Full Hand Protection, Cut & Temperature Resistant, Touchscreen Friendly For Men & Women
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MetalTac Airsoft Speed Loader With Capacity Of 100 Bbs
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