We used wikivoyage in our previous organization, which is also developed by WikiValley team. The main benefit was that it's free & open source software so no licensing fees at all! This allowed us as an IT consulting firm (in Europe) to have access of such great product without any cost or other barriers in place preventing usage. Lack of documentation when needed especially if support ticket needs to be created/answered using system. Having said this I think there are still ways how users can overcome their issues even though some tickets need more communication from part of development side where they could provide better guidance with solving the issue. For my use case, we solved problems like lack of standardize process manual workflow between clients, providing them seamless tools while collaborating remotely across time zones. It has a good design and layout of the interface and it's very intuitive. It's easy to use and I like the fact that it's integrated with Dropbox. It's a very good tool to have in the toolbox as it has a lot of possibilities. I would like to have more templates for the Pages. It's a great tool for all the different teams in the company. It's a very good tool for our organization to collaborate and share knowledge among the teams. It's a very good tool for the organization.