Cheapo controllers that are great for casual gaming. I didn't expect it to be accurate because it's so cheap and the dpad isn't accurate. For casual games like mario, mario kart, sports games, most ray and puzzle games this is not a problem. Why is the accuracy of the dpad important? Well, if you're playing games like Contra, Street Fighter and need directional buttons to work accurately and make precise movements, you're going to get extremely frustrated with these controllers because they just don't do their job in the same way as the originals. For example, sometimes pressing down will also cause your character to move sideways, or if you're trying to do something that requires diagonal accuracy, good luck with that. All in all, these are good cheap controllers for casual gaming (I've used them on my retropies with no problems). They made the retro snes look down, and that's about the best I can say in that regard. For more accurate wired controllers without the hassle, I'd recommend the Logitech F310. They also have a wireless version for over $. I used Logitech instead of them for my retropi because I want my dpads to work the way I expected them to and not just look like SNES controllers just to look like them. Because of this, I wouldn't recommend them to anyone who really wants to progress through all the levels of the games they play, or if they want to play fighting games or sidescrollers that require accurate dpads.