We've been looking for an oscillating spindle sander for a long time. Since PC stopped releasing them and ours broke. When I saw this I thought based on the price it's probably very low quality that couldn't get any better than grinding your hands. I was wrong. My first impression after unpacking was that it is well made. It feels solid and well put together. While the case may not be as strong and stable as a more expensive device, it's excellent for the price. Test now. We connect and start working. We're carpenters, so we immediately sanded the edge of the 3/4 inch thick veneer. This thing instantly turned that edge into sawdust. It's very loud, which is to be expected, so keep your ears open. It is also heavy enough to easily handle the device while it is in use. I think the only thing I would like to improve on this device is a) provide a plastic case for it for a few bucks more and b) maybe add a detachable handle on the top or side so you have more gripping options while you inside are use. That. Plus, for the price (or even slightly higher) it will be hard to beat!
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