This Cutex Needle Threader Hook is an EXACT replacement for Pfaff part #93-036176-91. There are no videos for this specific part, but it was helpful to check out similar replacements on Utube. Do not tip the machine on its front and on a flat surface, otherwise the flat square nut will slip out of the groove and fall onto the next supporting surface. The needle threader is adjustable and it is best to position the hook in the needle slot before final tightening. Also, it can take a bit of fiddling to line up the nut, threader, and screw, so lots of light and reading glasses would be beneficial for up close. By loosening the screw slightly and tightening it in stages for smooth operation, you ensure that the looper is centered in the needle slot and is optimally aligned. By taking your time and getting the job done right, you automatically become an expert! Don't you remember how to use the needle threader? If all else fails, read the manual.
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