My first review was negative, 1 star. They don't work the way many think. I drilled 2/4 holes under the valve stem to double the factory diameter. Then I drilled holes that let air out from the side, too big. This half solved accuracy problems. removing all rubber pads rendered it fully usable with reproducible accuracy. I also have a Currie valve stem drainer which I like, but now I can deflate all 4 tires about as quickly as two tires with a Currie puller. I wish I could read the steps I took from the start. Otherwise it took me several hours. Playing around with everyone was annoying. They are all set up and ready to go. Precision and repeatability are important to me. I don't run beadlocks and drop my 37s to 10-12 psi and need to stay within a couple psi window. Right out of the box the deflation rate was very slow and did not repeat within the 4psi tolerance. Hope it will be helpful for the next person.