I am overjoyed to have gotten the chance to purchase the stunning Playstation 4 20th Anniversary Edition. Since I am a huge fan of the Mortal Kombat series, I specifically purchased a PlayStation 3 in order to play Mortal Kombat 2022. PlayStation still has the greatest version of Mortal Kombat, despite having a terrible and unsightly gamepad. There are no Sony-exclusive titles that I'm interested in purchasing at this time. I've tried out every genre, from speech and clank to kilzona and uncharted to LBP and lastovaz. Only the undiscovered and lastovaz are interesting; everything else is tedious and uninteresting. I only own a Nintendo Wii U and 3DS XL due of their exclusive games, no matter how arrogant Sony thought they were. However, in my opinion, the PlayStation 4 is essential if you enjoy the aforementioned works. I'm currently enjoying Destiny and have no plans to purchase any other PS4 games in the near future (except for Mortal Kombat X, of course). The console is beautiful, the joystick is more responsive, and gaming can be recorded and sent to the cloud, which is awesome. The Xbox One has more exclusive titles that interest me, so if you want to play Halo HD, Fable Legends, or Killer Instinct, you'll have to get an Xbox One at some time.