Very comfortable shoes. Took her for road testing on one of Northern California's wettest days (check out the Bay Area flash floods and floods!). Walked a 10km 800ft trail in the Berkeley/Oakland hills with very steep slopes and extremely rough roads/paths (this is earthquake country). In such conditions, most shoes often slip in, since they have to walk on rivers and lakes where there used to be roads and curbs. It's not like this. However, unlike water shoes, they provide ample barefoot feedback protection, which is essential for uneven terrain after an earthquake, otherwise you can easily trip and kiss the pavement. Now these are also city streets with rare used needles and broken glass. I don't recommend walking barefoot here without protection unless you have issues with hepatitis C, necrotizing fasciitis, MRSA, etc. The risk may be minimal, but getting infected can really ruin your day. I've worn many barefoot-inspired shoes, but this is one of my favorites so far.