Seals are used for this. The screws only catch 3 threads if you are lucky. If your body is older, it may only start at 1 or 2. This will get the bolts to work the first time you put them in, but it's extremely unsafe and the bolts will eventually break off because three turns isn't enough. screw tight. Eventually you get to the point where they turn around. turn. than to flop. very frustrating. Save time and headaches, opt for premium gear and get some of it. a very slightly thicker screw, ie maybe 1/3 inch longer. I've seen others with no complaints in the reviews. Who knows, maybe it's just some xj model jeeps. Also, it's best to use the OEM cleats coming off the frame. vise and grease. MUCH LUCK! I wish there was a screw size on my receipt but it doesn't. so can't help you there.