Attention when buying! You get what you pay for. I ordered front and rear protection for my 2019 Ford F250 XLT 4X4. Note that this rating will likely apply to any similar 2019 Ford F250. Let's start with the fit: well they seem to fit, but not well! First, they look cheap when installed and protrude about 3/4 inch rear portions of the metal wheel arch out the side of the truck body. Because of this, these covers are snapped onto plastic and do not line up well with the screw holes and are completely wobbly when installed. . It is impossible to remove the factory plastic, since a large sheet metal area is, for example, the stern. No question that in any car wash these parts will soon fall right off the wheel arch and damage the bent metal due to the poor fit. They barely cling to tiny factory screws + tape sticking out ready to snag on any rotating object such as a mechanical washer brush. I didn't send them back, I just threw them away and am looking for a more expensive kit to fit my car.