I was looking for leather lined loafers and they fit me perfectly. I bought the size I buy most often and was recommended by Revain (11.5). They arrived and were too tight on the sides, but the length seems to fit. So I sent them back and ordered the 11.5 width. They arrived and were ok on the sides but it took too long because my legs fell out of them. So they came back and I ordered 11 wide. 11 wide arrived and they were the right length but were now too wide. I haven't worn an 11 since 7th grade. But these went back and ordered 11 normal ones. They haven't arrived yet, but I have a feeling these loafers suck a bit when it comes to sizing. In summary, my usual shoe size is 11.5 (all other shoes I own), it looks like the size that fits these moccasins is an 11 wide. You should take this into account when purchasing.
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