Beautiful necklace, my girlfriend at the time loved it. Of course, shortly after I stopped loving her, she pushed all my friends away from me because she was sure I was cheating on her with all of the girls, (I wasn't, and she had no reason to believe I was), and after making all my friends distance themselves from me and I realized she was bad for me, I tried to break up with her, and she guilted me into staying with her for weeks by telling me about her dad's death and crying about it. After we broke up she admitted to her friend that she only said anything about it to stop me from leaving her. She made me miserable, the thought of having to text her stressed me out so much I just stopped talking to her. I started talking to my friends again, and I stopped talking to her. Eventually we agreed enough was enough and I couldn't keep ignoring her and have her still think we were gonna be together. I broke up with her civilly and respectfully, and as she stepped out of my car she slammed the door and told me to "grow up". But the necklace, by God it's a beautiful necklace and I hope she still loves it. Will not disappoint.
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