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Janis Endzelins ᠌ photo
1 Level
313 Review
0 Karma

Review on G4398 by Janis Endzelins ᠌

Revainrating 4 out of 5

A reliable product for all occasions, the quality is at the level.

Pros: heavy, good material. drops are not very visible. flexible hose that can be flushed down the sink or poured into a tall pot. Different cons: with a strong opening of the pressure, water may pour into the lever, there was no plug on the lever

Updated 2 years ago
Rating has not been changed

I've added some pictures to my review to offer a more visual and descriptive account of my experience.


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July 13, 2023
With its pros: Made well. Qualitative. Heavy. Has some cons: Narrow jet of water. The aerator does not "foam" much.