We have a 2006 Honda Pilot. The pads are installed as expected and break easily. When I tested them, they could easily generate enough friction to engage the ABS under hard braking. I think they felt better than the factory brakes. Initial grip was slightly better and they seem to resist heat fade a bit better on repeated hard stops. Although this is my wife's car and she recently said they don't seem to stop that quickly. I think she uses a lot less brake pressure than I do. I normally drive sports cars and my driving style is a bit more aggressive than my wife's. I'll take her car and test the brakes again soon when I get the chance and update the review if I feel otherwise. I would recommend them as I liked the better feel of the brakes, they seemed to grip better under hard braking. It's always been very difficult to get the factory brakes to hook in hard enough to engage the abs under hard braking. The fact that I can do this with EBC Greens tells me they have the best grip. I'm only giving -1 star because of a comment from my wife.